Goa Jan 2017 Event Update #3

Email address to respond to Akash...   akashdharmaraj@gmail.com

September 1, 2016

Beloved Friends & Fellow Travelers…Greetings & Love …

I am back, after a long vacation, to start the process of registration for the winter festival… devoted to the 39/46 series. January 10th to February 20th 2017. In these 40 days, we will set the foundation for the finale in January- February 2018.

Many people from this group had written saying they would be part of some, or all groups. Some of you were tentative about it, while others did not respond at all. Now is the time to follow through on the enthusiastic “YES” that we all started out with earlier this year. If the “YES” is still alive, please let me know. If it has got lost somewhere, or forgotten, perhaps, in the process of living your life, I do hope you can revive it!

If you have changed your intention, and no longer wish to participate in this event, do say so. I need an answer from each person in this group, before I invite others to join us…so please do respond.

You will be pleased to know that Avrom has very kindly agreed to be part of the teaching team, along with Deborah, and Melanie (who are already part of this group) for the first group, 10th to 19th January.

In the first open group, 21st to 29th January, Amiyo & Chetan will be joining us for two days on 22nd & 23rd to teach a few movements.

It’s truly quite a blessing to have the support of all these wonderful teachers for this work. Carol & I will both be teaching in the open groups along with other members of the Akhaldans team. If anybody would like to explore leading some movements in any of the open groups, please say so, as all teaching inputs will be very welcome.

We need a pianist for the open groups. If you know someone who would be willing to come for any of the groups, please put me in touch with them.

John Hutcherson has created a website, www.39series.org for all of us. It is loaded with information, notes, music & videos of the movements. Thank you, John! The videos that are taken from the Akhaldans film (2014) show our work in progress, and indicate where we left this work, the last time we explored doing the 46 all together, two years ago. I am sure you will find it all very useful.

To register, just say YES, and indicate which groups you will be participating in. The details are attached for reference.

Look forward to meeting again… With love, Akash